Veronika Bailey


Growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area, I attended church but it was during my time in college at UC Santa Barbara God captivated my heart through community, the beauty of His creation and Jesus desire and design for having a personal relationship. It was in college that God grew my heart for seeing the world hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. After spending 2 years serving in the Middle East with Cru, I felt called to return to another location desperately in need of the Gospel. Since 2018 I have been working to build up students in the San Francisco Bay Area and mobilize them to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth, using their gifts and talents that God has given them. 

There is a great need in America's cities for the body of Christ to bridge racial, cultural and economic barriers with Christ's love. It is an honor to join God in His work to empower and equip students with the skills, tools and faith they need to make eternal impact on their communities. What if college students lived into their identity in Christ and used their passions and gifts towards the Great Commission? God is truly working in this city and in students' lives! Join me in this journey!

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