George and Julia Avetysian


My name is George. I grew up in a Soviet atheistic family. In 2008, when I was a freshman, the Lord came into my life. In my second year at the university He set my heart on fire for evangelism and gave me a vision for dedicating my whole life to this ministry. I found a “Ukraine for Christ” team (Cru international) at my university and began serving students with them.

My name is Julia. I grew up in a Christian family but did not understand the importance of helping fulfill the Great Commission. My understanding has changed after I met people from “Ukraine for Christ” at my university and got involved in their ministry as a third year student in 2009.

That's where we met!

The Lord created our family in 2012 and gave us both a dream of investing our lives in eternal things by helping others come to know Christ and follow Him! This is why we joined the “Ukraine for Christ” ministry. Our mission is to help build spiritual movements everywhere so that everyone in Ukraine will know at least one true follower of Jesus!

For a long time we served on campus teams in Kyiv and then Odesa, southern Ukraine. Our mission field was college and university students. In 2022, we had to relocate to Romania after Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. For a year and half we lived in Romania where we served Ukrainian refugees.

In 2023, God called us to return back to Ukraine and continue our ministry here, focusing on a new target audience – couples.

Development of church and staff leaders has become another important focus for our ministry. We have realized that over the 14 years of our ministry experience in the field God has taught us a lot of things we can pass on to other leaders everywhere to help them grow and reach even more people for Christ!

It is a great joy for us to see God change the lives of men and women and work through them after they receive Christ!

We also invite you to join our team of ministry partners.

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