Ana-Maria Goga


Acts 20:24

But, I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.


I am Ana-Maria from Romania. I am passioned by photography, learning foreign languages, traveling and I became staff with Cru in September 2014. I was volunteering for 9 years, but I made this decision of joining Cru among students (Student lead Movement ) because I turn to Christ while I was student.  

Even though things and society changed,  there are few needs that every student has it nowadays too. One is the need of being part of a comunity,  where he/she feels accepted and the second one is the need of a good direction for a good career.

Our vision is that students of today are leaders of tomorrow. That is why we create a good environment for them to develop in 3 big domains : professional, personal and spiritual. We want them to be professionist,  passionate and with integrity,  for a healthy Romanian society. 

I share my faith with every student but in the same time I know that he/she need also to be encouraged to develop himself/ herself. For fulfilling this, we organize events and workshops about integrity in leadership, team work, time management and other subjects. Every event was a real success,  because many of our volunteers felt the benefit and shared their experience with others. 

This year I want to invest more time in discipleship,  because this is the key of a continuous and strong ministry.

Lord helps me to love Him more! 

May He helps me to share The Truth in the middle of a corrupted society, so that students becoming leaders of tomorrow they would stop the corruption.

Currently I am looking for ministry partners that would pray for me but also support me financially. In this way I could commit my whole time to serving the Lord. My ministry partner team is made of people just like you and I am so thankful for every single one who joins me in this ministry.

I want to invite you to become one of my ministry partners. I would like to ask you to think and pray for God's guidance. If the Lord is leading you to join my personal ministry, this is how you can help:

  • My current financial need is $ 1000 a month

  • You need to decide about an amount of money that you would like to contribute on a monthly, yearly or one-time basis and send a check payable to Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC Staff Account #0877266)

  • Then our headquarter from Orlando, FL, will send you a receipt for you to know that the money arrived in my account; you will also receive a reply card for your next gift to our ministry (for monthly).

  • I will send you a prayer/news letter on a monthly basis with fresh news from the field for you to be able to know how to join me and my team in prayer.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share this great things that God did in my life, and hope to see more changed lives in front of my eyes. Nothing was more emotional to see in my life , than a changed life in Jesus Christ. That's why I will be more than happy to share those stories :)


to watch my testimony on video, please access the link below :​


click on the link below and you will see a short film about our activities among students:


with respect and love in Christ, Ana-Maria


Goga Ana-Maria

mobile :  +40 757 944 871


street Aleea Lacul Morii, Nr 3, Bucharest, Romania

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