Jon Dial


In 2008 God saved me and gave me the desire to tell others about Jesus. 10 years later, the Lord joined Erica and I in marriage, and we have been ministering to college students at UNC Pembroke together ever since.  Our mission is to win students to Christ, build them up in their faith, and send them out into the world as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.  We want to give every student at UNCP the opportunity to receive Jesus as their Savior!

College students are often at a crossroads in their spiritual life. They are considering life’s big questions: “Why am I here? What is truth?  What is my purpose?”  Working with Cru full time makes it possible for Erica and I to give these students biblical answers to these questions, and share with them the hope of the gospel. 

UNCP began as the Croatan Normal school in 1887.  It  has now grown to become one of the most diverse schools in the nation!  We've worked with local Indigenous students, as well as students from New York, to Nigeria; from California to the Congo. It's exciting to think about how God can use our diverse campus to save people from all nations! 

Our roles at UNCP primarily include: 1) Training students how to share the gospel and lead Bible studies; 2) Providing hospitality, counsel, and care to students to help them flourish during and after college; 3) Connecting students to a local church, so that they can fellowship with the broader body of Christ, and serve others there.

Erica and I would like to invite you to partner with us in bringing the gospel to college students at UNCP.  In partnering with us, God is using you to be a part of His work in bringing the gospel to all the nations.  One way you can partner with us is in prayer.  I send a monthly prayer letter sharing stories of how God is working on campus.   

Another way to partner with us is financially.  Like most missionary organizations, Cru does not have central funds to pay for salaries and ministry expenses.  As Cru staff, we have the responsibility to develop a team of financial supporters.  Those who partner with us financially will be providing the funding that makes it possible for us to minister full time at UNCP.   Our greatest financial need is ongoing monthly support.  If you would like to  donate, click the "Give a Gift" icon, and follow the instructions.  All donations made to Cru are tax deductible. If you decide to give, we invite you to consider the words of 2 Corinthians 9:7:

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give; 
do not give reluctantly or under compulsion, 
for God loves a cheerful giver."  (ESV) 

A third way you can partner with us is by introducing us to people in your life who love Jesus and want others to come to know Him.  Feel free to share this page with your friends and family!   If you have any questions or concerns, email us at

We invite you to prayerfully consider how you might partner with us.  However you decide to partner, we are truly grateful for you!  Thank you for visiting our page, and thank you for whatever way you chose to partner with us.  



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