Equipment Package for Story Development


“I find the places that have no chuches, where no one is working, and that’s where I start my groups,” Pastor Kiram* says.

Pastor Kiram goes to the spiritually darkest places in his West African country to share oral Bible stories with those who have never heard God’s Word in their heart language. 

Today, all across the world, there are unreached oral people groups just waiting for people like Pastor Kiram to offer them God’s Word in a way that they can understand. As StoryRunners expands, we are training the next Pastor Kirams. Your partnership helps us expand our reach so that more believers are trained and sent to offer God’s Word to the unreached in a way that resonates with their hearts. 

Our vision is to launch communities of multiplying disciples among 500 unreached people groups by using oral Bible stories by 2025.

In Acts 1:8, Jesus tells His disciples “And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Your gift makes possible exactly what Jesus instructed: to tell people everywhere—to the very ends of the earth—about Him. Thank you for your partnership in the gospel! 

*Name changed for security

100 Lake Hart Dr MC1100
Orlando, FL 32832


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