Robin Greaves


To teach a man to fish, instead of giving a man a fish. What a great analogy for the work that God is doing around the world through agriculture workshops and assistance in the ministry of Unto. So many communities struggle to adapt to new challenges in farming. What an opportunity to share the good news and love of Jesus in action to the heart of the farmer.

I am so blessed to be working with Unto  as an Agriculture Specialist! Our Mission is to show the kindness of Jesus through relieving suffering, restoring dignity, and revealing hope in the toughest places on earth.

 I will primarily be training communities in sustainable farming on a small scale, teaching and demonstrating principles and methods such as composting, raised garden beds, bucket drip irrigation, and organic pest management. 

Unto staff are funded solely by partner support. We also depend prayer support to accomplish our ministry. Financial support sponsors me  in my mission to serve as a Unto Agriculture Specialist, reaching people in the toughest places on earth through agriculture.  Monthly support and one-time donations are all tax deductible. I am currently seeking to raise $1400 per month from partners like you. Would you consider giving an amount of $200, $100 or some other amount monthly?

I welcome the opportunity to answer any questions, to have conversations, and to give presentations to groups and congregations. Unto is an organization that works to better the lives of people around the globe through meeting their needs, and showing the love of Jesus Christ.

Robin Greaves



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