Samuel and Maddison Lampe


Hi there friends! Thank you so very much for taking the time to visit our page and for becoming partners with us in this ministry God has led us into! We are both so excited to pursue the Lord through serving with the outdoor campus ministry of Cru Lifelines down in Bend, Oregon! Cru is formerly Campus Crusade for Christ, and Lifelines is the outdoor ministry branch of Cru. So with that, we serve in Bend, Oregon doing campus outreach and discipleship with the two local campuses in Bend, helping students to grow in their faith or even hear about Jesus for the first time. We also lead various Christ-centered outdoor trips for colleges all across the Pacific Northwest, helping students to grow in faith, character, and leadership. It is the mission that God has put on our hearts to bring people to Jesus both on college campuses and in the amazing outdoors that He created! It is a privilege to be teamed-up with people like you as, together, we seek to help reach people for Christ!!


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