Hello! Thank you so much for considering partnering with me in taking the gospel to high school student!
My life was forever changed when I was in high school and Cru presented to gospel to my volleyball team. Even though I had grownup in a Christian home I had missed the relational side of God. After struggling through a season of substance abuse, loneliness, and depression I cried out for help and a few months later I was introduced to God by staff members from Cru. I desired to know more of Gods character and will for my life so I spent time in structured bible study, digging through the Bible alone, and in relationships within Cru. In January of 2012 I attended Cru's winter conference called Fastbreak. While there I heard a sermon on Mark 2 discussing how you can't put new wine in old wineskins or they will bust. The Lord impressed on my heart "Liv, that is what you're doing. You're patching up your life with me, removing reckless living and adding in bible study and removing abuse and adding in Godly community. But I want all of you, all your mess and Ill give you a new life, a new record, and a new hope. I surrendered my life to Jesus after a steady ten months of pursuit by Him!
Six years later I felt God calling me to full time staff with Cru high school! In October 2017 I was reading through Mark (I love how God works!) and had been fighting with Him about my job. I had begun fighting for my comfort instead of the hearts of students. I knew God was up to something as I began reading the 12th chapter of Mark. At the very end of the chapter is the 'widows offering' where this woman puts in a small amount of money to the offering box. After a number of the rich put in large sums of money. But Jesus commends the woman, saying "this woman has put in more...For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on." (v. 44) And I felt the Lord saying "Liv I don't need you to come in ministry with loads of contacts, the greatest gifts or talents, the best vision for campus, or even the biggest heart for the gospel..I just need you to trust me with your life and your livelihood. You're never going to have all the answers or even everyones support..so just jump!" I surrendered that morning to Gods call for me to pursue staff with Cru High School.
God has given me a heart and opportunity to go back to where I was most lonely and most hurt to share the love of Christ with students! I am so excited. And I am so excited that you are considering partnering with me in it. Thank you for your consideration, support, and heart, that more students would have an chance to put their faith in Jesus and grow in relationship with Him!
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