Yijie Wang


Do you know that pugs are originally from China? So are the 370,000 Chinese students in the US!

Growing up in China, I never heard the gospel, never went to church, never had an opportunity to learn about Christianity. I went to New Zealand at 19 as an international student. During my time in New Zealand, God changed my life forever. I heard the gospel for the first time and prayed to receive Christ. After becoming a Christian, God put this desire in my heart to reach other international students. I joined Cru in New Zealand after graduated from university in 2008. 

Growing up in America, my wife Kassi went to church and received Christ at a young age. After graduating from college, she taught English in Europe and China. During her teaching in China, she saw the need to share the gospel with her Chinese students. 

And it was at a local church in Shanghai, we met for the first time.

We, Yijie and Kassi Wang, are excited to reach these Chinese students for Christ in the US. We truly believe we can fulfill the great commission by reaching Chinese students for Christ. Through these Chinese students, God can reach the nation of China! Thank you for your partnership in the gospel as we reach Chinese students for Christ. 


Yijie, Kassi, Charlotte (Yixi), Collette(Yixu), Jeffrey (Yihong) and "dumpling" the pug. 

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