Destino FL Circle


As Destino staff in Central Florida, we are coming alongside each other to raise a portion of our financial support together. 

We are choosing to make the needs of one, the needs of all, so that "if one member suffers, all suffer together; If one member is honored, all rejoice together"

(1 Cor 12:26)

This empowers all of us to continue ministering long-term in Central Florida. Together we are trusting God to provide.

Over the years, we’ve learned that you can’t do latino ministry alone - it’s contrary to how our community works. We couldn’t serve effectively in long-term ministry if it wasn’t for the committed relationships we’ve experienced on our Destino Central Florida staff team.

On our team, we cover the generations - from twenty year olds to fifty year olds. There are individuals who have served in the hispanic community for a few years and those who have served for over fifteen years!  Each member of our circle ministers in a different way- From mentoring hispanic college students at UCF, Seminole State, and Valencia, to building partnerships with churches in the city, to helping churches reach latinos in their area, to sending latinos to serve in Puerto Rico and the Middle East  - the list goes on and on.  Though each of us use our gifts to serve in unique ways, we are all committed to journeying with students and faculty to follow Jesus and help them fulfill their God given destiny.

As Destino staff in Central Florida, we are coming alongside each other to raise a portion of our financial support together. Would you consider partnering financially with our staff circle as we stand with each other to raise our financial support?  Together, with your partnership, we are making a difference in bringing God's love to Central Florida!

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