Christina McKee


God has called me to win people to Christ by sharing the gospel with college students so that they can come to know Christ and follow him. I am also called to build life-changing Christ-centered communities by mentoring students in their faith; Teaching these students that they are sent to live their lives on mission by sharing their faith with others.

I have served 2 years at the University of Florida and helped launch a new movement at the University of North Florida for a year. 

I currently serve on the Fenway Boston Metro Team. This includes Berklee, Boston U, Emerson College, Emmanuel College, MassArt, New England Conservatory, Northeastern U, Roxbury Community College, Summons U, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, and Wentworth Institute of Technology.

Would you consider partnering with me to grow and strengthen the Kingdom of God on college campuses for $25, $50, $100, or another amount a month?

"And [Jesus] said to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send our laborers into his harvest.'" - Luke 10:2

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