Abby Schlichting


Tomislav and Abby Minić

Why are we choosing to serve with Cru in Croatia?

Croatia is a beautiful country of about 4 million people, centered in Eastern Europe, on the Adriatic sea. On the surface- Croatia seems like a highly religious place. With about 92% of people identifying as Catholic. However, in Croatia, being Catholic is nearly synonymous for being Catholic. Because of the break up of Yugoslavia, Croatians clung to what set them apart- their religious identity. However, a very small percentage actually attend mass or live out their faith, and that is a much smaller percentage for students college aged, or younger.  The Western European influence of atheism is rapidly increasing as students no longer identify with their parent's catholicism or have been hurt by the church. Going to campus to meet students, I am actually stunned at how little students actually have a relationship with God. They see God as a list of rules and morality, a man high in the sky and distant. They desperately need to hear that God desires to know them personally, and that He sent His Son to die on the cross so that we can be reconciled to them. What I have seen in Croatia is that many students don't consider spiritual things, but when you engage them- there is a deep desire. Students are hungry for truth and for hope. Please join me in reaching students for Christ by:

WIN- Introducing students to Christ. We share the life changing news of the Gospel with students. We share the good news that they have a God that loves them so deeply that He sent His son to die for the penalty of their sins. That they can accept this Son, Jesus into their hearts. They can place their life and faith in Him. And we invite them to do so.

BUILD- Creating Life Changing Community. We see time and time again in the Bible the importance of not only sharing the Gospel, but building into the spirit's of believers, so they are able to continue to keep the faith and head toward the Kingdom of God. Jesus, in his ministry invested his time in the disciples- who were then able to invest in the lives of others. We see Paul's heart for this in 2 Timothy 2:2. He says, "You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also." This idea is the idea of spiritual multiplication. We believe life change happens on the other side of deep relationship with other believers. We do this through the context of mentorship and Bible studies.

SEND- Cru grows students hearts for evangelism, and equipping them to do so. Cru began with college students because college students are the future. Students are equipped to be life long laborers who share their faith in their workplace, neighborhoods, and families.

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