AIA Going Under Cover


In so many oppressive countries, Christianity is forbidden. But sports? Sports are welcomed and encouragedIt's one of the only ways in.

And God hasn't just opened a door or two, He's made a way to step into 15 closed countries -- but I don't know for how long!

These are places where communism and/or other religions are absolutely dominant. Where most people have never heard about Jesus ... But you can help reach them today!

Your gift of $20, $50, $100 or even more will reach into closed nations with gospel truth … using sports to gain access to places other missionaries simply can't work.

Your generosity will fuel work with athletes and in orphanages, juvenile prisons, leper colonies and more - reaching many who've never before heard!

We do not know how long these doors will be open, so please act quickly to seize these incredible opportunities. Thank you for your generosity!

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