Zachary Brown


Hello everyone!

My name is Zach Brown and I work full time with Athletes In Action.

Since I was 17, I felt God calling me into ministry. While praying that God would present His will for my life, I received an opportunity for my first trip with Athletes In Action to Israel!

February of 2017 I hopped on a plane to Israel where I lived with John Farwell (see top picture) and his family. God revealed His plan for my life: that I have been called to serve student athletes through teaching and studying God's word and plan for their lives.

For the last 5 years I have been serving as a student and volunteer at NC State Athletes in Action where I had a chance to lead bible studies, serve student athletes from many sports, and equip some student athletes to share the Gospel with their teammates.

Starting soon, I will be moving to Ann Arbor to serve with Athletes in Action at University of Michigan. When I start serving, I will have a chance to serve similarly and with more dedication to equipping student athletes to share their faith with their teammates.

To get to Michigan, I need your help. I am asking for financial and prayer support and pray you will consider partnering with me.

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