Declan McPhillips


Thank you for visiting this page and considering to join me as I reach students on campus!

After much consideration and prayer, I was able to see how the Lord was working in my life throughout college to send me out as an intern with Cru to reach students with the Gospel, build them up in their faith, and send them out into their communities to do likewise. In my experience on campus, students are some of the most receptive to new ideas and beliefs, and many put their trust in Christ during this time. However, these students do not normally seek out these experiences with new beliefs, it comes from laborers willing to reach out and meet them where they are. 

Jesus tells his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest." (Matthew 9:37-38). That's where we come in. With your support, we will meet students in Nebraska where they are to reach them with the truth and hope of the Gospel.

Your partner and brother in Christ,

Declan McPhillips

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