"JESUS" – "I have no questions ... Your film has changed my life."

#2785090 - Send "JESUS" DVDs to Restricted Nations

“The Lord will protect you from all evil; He will keep your soul. The Lord will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever” (Psalm 121:7-8, New American Standard Bible).

A narrow bridge…headlights bearing down…and no way out. May these amazing reports greatly encourage you and every partner of “JESUS.”

Vlad lives in Central Asia, where 90 percent of the people follow a dominant religion from the Middle East.*

Someone showed Vlad the film “JESUS.” He believed, was made new in Christ and became a house church pastor. Vlad went on to serve His Lord as a volunteer, and of his own accord, has been showing others “JESUS.”

He and a close friend, Anton, ride their bicycle from place to place, letting others experience ”JESUS,” the film that brought them to Christ.

People in a nearby town heard about “JESUS” and asked this volunteer team to come and show them the story of the gospel too. (This in itself is remarkable, the culture being hostile to Christians.) The two went to work.

Vlad sat on the rear seat of the bicycle, holding their video player tightly, one of the precious few in that part of the country. He also had the only known video of “JESUS.” Anton was in front, peddling and steering the bike.

On the way to the town, they approached a narrow bridge. Anton didn’t see an approaching car. He swerved to avoid being hit. They plunged off the bridge, down into the water below…video player and all. Shaken but uninjured, they recovered their bike and lifted the player out of the canal. Water gushed out. This was not good as electronics and water don’t mix. The result is almost always highly destructive.

But Vlad and his partner were resolute—they felt they must keep going. People were awaiting the film. Still soaking wet, Vlad and Anton got back on the road, anxious about their equipment, but trusting God in hopeful prayer. When they arrived, at least 50 people were in the room, eager to see a film in their language about “The Great Prophet Isa.” This team was surely praying, “Lord, we need you to intervene!”

Vlad said water was still draining out of the unit as they set the player on the tabletop. When they plugged it into the 220-volt outlet, they feared the current would fry the unit. Again, they had no choice. For these people needed to see “JESUS.” They plugged it in and turned the player on. Nothing…no shorts…no sparks…no smoke. Instead, the unit came alive! Somehow it had survived the ordeal, as though the water was never there! They pressed play.

All 50 people watched the entire film, moved by the greatest story ever told—His plan of the ages to rescue them from their sins. They felt His love, experienced His miracles. They heard His words—the Word of God—in a language they understood, and marveled at His resurrection. The Holy Spirit witnessed to their hearts that it was all true.

At the end, when the invitation was given, 11 people indicated decisions to follow Christ—about 20 percent! And remember, this happened in an area that follows an aggressive religion.

Another pastor, Garri, is from the same region. He too witnessed God work, but through a tragic accident. He was riding a motorcycle at dusk. In the dim light, he didn’t see a young boy in his path. Garri struck the boy, seriously injuring him. The boy’s mother witnessed it all.

Garri stopped and went back to help, but the child was completely unresponsive. Fearing he was dead, Garri prayed earnestly for the child. When the police arrived, they actually urged him to claim that it was the boy’s fault, that he darted into his path. As a pastor, Garri chose truth, and insisted that he himself was at fault…risking prison.

They transported the boy to the hospital where, because of his injuries, the doctors held out no hope. He would die. But day after day Garri came to visit, praying for the boy and his mother, praying for his healing. Again, God intervened. The boy not only survived but fully recovered––as though he had never been struck. Garri’s witness and God’s answers to prayer deeply impressed the boy’s mother.

Being a follower of the same dominant religion, she now wanted to know more about this Jesus. So, Garri offered to show her “JESUS.” She agreed, watched…and believed, and was made new in Christ. To our Lord goes the glory for His divine interventions! Pray that through her witness, and ”JESUS,”  many others are being won to Christ.

And one more great report! There is a nation not far from Garri’s country, one that is even more dangerous for believers. Partner teams strategized ways to introduce the gospel. They decided to launch a business, one that would fill a felt need—a facility for storage and delivery of grain. Teams with their families moved in, chose the building and publicized their service.

It was a success. People came from far distances with horses and donkeys loaded with grain to sell, store or buy. Because of the distances, some would stay one or two nights, sleeping in the worker family’s homes, as guests. The teams would build a fire each night. People would gather around it. There in the light of the fire, the workers told them Bible stories, including stories from “JESUS” —stories they had never heard.

Two brothers approached the team, saying,“We like what you are saying. We want to stay another week and hear more stories.” They did and the teams showed them “JESUS.” Finally, they told the team: “We have been living in darkness. This is life-changing. Can we borrow this ‘JESUS’ film for a few days?” Sensing that God was again at work, they agreed.

The brothers loaded their grain on the donkeys, and returned home…with the film, and small, portable projector set the team had loaned them. Twenty days later they were back, this time with the leader of their house of prayer. He had also watched ”JESUS,”  apparently, several times and declared: “I have no questions. They have all been answered. Your film has changed my life. I and these two men want to follow Jesus.”

As you know, proclaiming Christ openly in nations like this can result in persecution, beatings and death. That’s why workers and partner teams are requesting specialized tools, tiny projector sets, DVDs, and live streaming for smartphones, tablets, and microSD memory cards.

The microSD cards are proving especially useful. In some of these closed locations, Internet service may be restricted or non-existent. But nearly everywhere, even in the most remote rural or mountainous areas, many people have inexpensive smartphones. These phones accept a microSD card, enabling them to watch “JESUS” privately and safely in their homes. This is how even religious leaders can experience the good news and respond to the gospel.

Each microSD card contains short film clips—from ”JESUS,”  “Magdalena,” follow-up films and the complete “JESUS”  film. People eagerly accept the memory cards, insert them into their phones or other mobile devices to watch over and over again.

I am writing because workers are reporting a hunger to know about Jesus that is completely unprecedented. The opportunities and demand for tools such as DVDs, players and microSD cards far outstrip the funds that are available. Millions are sick of the violence carried out in the name of their religion. For the first time in generations, tens of thousands are open to the gospel. When offered a chance to watch “JESUS” nearly all say “yes.” Would you help tell them about Jesus? Would you give them the good news, and help more wonderful accounts be written? Here’s how you can:

  • You can equip workers with 20 DVDs of “JESUS”  for a gift of $90, or 40 DVDs for a gift of $180.
  • You can send ten microSD cards for a gift of $100, or 25 cards for $250. These cards can be copied, shared from smartphone to smartphone. House churches are very much in need of microSD cards. You could equip house churches or teams with 50 microSD cards for a gift of $500, or 100 microSD cards with a gift of $1,000. They will put them to good use!
  • Workers are requesting mass duplicators. You can supply a DVD duplicator for a gift of $950, a microSD card duplicator for $3,810, or a Church Planting Resource Kit for $3,420.
  • You can equip workers with a video tablet when you send $285. They can use the tablet you send to privately show people “JESUS” and other follow-up films. You could equip three workers with tablets for a gift of $855.
  • And where the Internet is fast and unrestricted, you can help live stream “JESUS” and other Jesus Film® media for a gift of $425, delivering the gospel to 500 people. Let 1,250 people experience Jesus online with your gift of $1,063.

Thank you for the privilege of sharing these wonderful accounts with you! As you give, remember: research has confirmed that for every dollar you send, on average, one person can come to Christ. The film, and the Word of God it contains, is that powerful.

Pray for people who walk in spiritual darkness. Pray that as they watch, they too will believe. Pray that even leaders of an opposing religion will say: “Your film has changed my life. I want to follow Jesus.” God bless you for however you can help.

Until Everyone Sees Jesus,

Executive Director, Jesus Film Project

P.S. Requests for microSD cards and these other tools are coming from not just Central Asia and closed countries in the 10/40 Window, but from restricted areas around the world. Your gift will be directed to where people are open, where these powerful tools are most needed. If you can, please send your gift by August 31, 2017. You can give on this page now or via credit card by calling (800) 387-4040. With the U.S. stock market recently hitting new highs, you may wish to consider a gift of securities, or the transfer of an IRA, both offering potentially significant tax savings. Thank you so much.

* Though these amazing incidents occurred several years ago, we just learned of them from the teams and are passing them along to the friends of “JESUS.” For security, I’ve used pseudo-names throughout my letter.

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