They know the packs are full of information about Jesus. They know the danger of taking them back into their closed homelands. But they’re so hungry for truth that they take the risk.
The sight is amazing. And the kingdom opportunity is extraordinary.
Under the bright Mediterranean sun, the line of cars stretches on and on. Thousands wait to board one of the many ferries that travel from the ports of southern Europe to North Africa. From freedom to oppression.
The cars inch forward, and the kids in the back seats squirm. They’re already bored … and the journey will take as many as 36 more hours!
Suddenly, there’s a soft knock at the window. The person—a Cru® staff member—is smiling, and they’re holding out a pack of something …
The driver opens the window and sees a copy of God’s Word in Arabic … a movie about Jesus … a book for children that tells the story of the Bible and more.
He knows what this is. He knows the danger of taking it back into his spiritually closed homeland, where the rules are clear: No Bibles, no Jesus, no questions.
But he’s always wondered about Christianity. Plus, it will give the whole family something to do on the long journey. And after all, it’s free, and he many never get another chance to openly accept a Bible in a place of freedom…
In that minute, he makes a decision: he grasps that gift and holds on tight.
With your help, this scene is about to be repeated tens of thousands of times in the ports of Europe. And it could make all the difference to entire families from closed nations … who have never before been free to hear the gospel:
For just $5 per family, will you help reach many more with the life-changing gospel?
Cru staff are requesting 100,000 evangelism packs to reach 100,000 closed nation families this summer. Each includes materials designed to reach entire families such as: God’s Word, an apologetics book, evangelistic children’s books, a film about the life of Jesus and more.
But in order to have the materials ready for the busy travel season, we must print, sort, package, and ship the evangelism tools within the next 8-12 weeks.
$500,000 is still urgently needed to make this happen.
Will you join your brothers and sisters in Christ who have already given?
Again, every $5 reaches an entire family, often seven people. Your gift today of $50 will reach ten families. $100 will reach twenty families!
Whatever you give will help impact generations in closed nations. It will reach families who, in their home nations, are virtually unreachable. But as they travel through the freedom of Europe, we have a small window of opportunity to literally put truth in their hands!
Thank you for your most generous gift to reach men and women during a rare window of freedom!
Call us at (888)278-7233 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET, Monday-Friday, or email us at eGift@cru.org.
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