Help Ukrainian Staff Members and Refugees


Tensions in Ukraine have now boiled over into an active war zone. Many Ukrainians, including our Cru staff members, have been forced to relocate out of harm's way within the country or seek refuge in other countries.

While we do not yet know the full impact of this crisis, we must be prepared to respond to these desperate needs. This could mean providing ongoing support for months or more.

That's why your gift today is absolutely critical.

We are raising emergency funds to help cover moving and housing expenses for Ukrainian staff members and refugees.

Over 120 Cru staff have had to flee their homes. Some families with children have fled to neighboring countries. Some moved further west, out of danger. Many families have been forced to separate as a family member is called up into the military.

As our staff refugees flee the country, staff members in the surrounding areas are preparing to receive them. These families often lack basic supplies, and with your help, Cru will provide survival kits for them.

Would you give today to help the people of Ukraine?

This is a dangerous and fearful time for many. But we know that God is always working. Even in our fear, He is our peace and our certainty.|

Please join us in praying for the people of Ukraine, especially for those going into harm's way and for their families. Pray for Ukrainian staff refugees in neighboring countries. Please pray urgently for our Cru staff families.

And please pray and ask God how He is leading you to help.

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