Be a Part of the JAM Camp™ Team... Providing HELP and HOPE for At-Risk Teens!

#0710598 - JAM [Jesus / Athletics / Manhood]

The statistics don’t lie ... urban young people are at risk!

Poverty, high rates of family dysfunction and abuse — and more — have led to increased gang interaction and violence, drug and alcohol abuse, skyrocketing dropout rates and crime. The vicious cycle destroying youth and claiming lives must be broken!

Simply making a commitment to sports isn’t enough to secure their future. 

  • They need Jesus. 
  • They need to be discipled and mentored.
  • They need to understand their value comes not simply from their athletic talent, but because they’re made in God’s image.

We got it all at JAM Camp™. And we already know it works!

Your gift will help us reach out to young people in a difficult demographic, pour worth and value in, share the love of Jesus...and help turn them into the leaders of tomorrow!

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