Equip Film Teams: Send JESUS to the Unreached

#2789555 - Jesus Film Digital Media

Dear friend in Christ,

I am very grateful for your partnership, for your gifts, prayers, and words of encouragement. Incredible things are happening because of you. God is at work!

During the month of Ramadan (30 days of fasting celebrated in the Middle East and elsewhere), staff members placed ads in newspapers and on radio. The ads addressed felt needs, attracting people who were looking for hope, meaning—seeking to engage unreached people online.

In one country, they placed an ad with an image. It’s a painting by a digital strategy staff member, painted after meeting with a woman who said she had seen the risen Christ. She re-created what the woman described—Jesus, whose face shown like the sun. Staff members hoped that others who had a similar vision of the risen Lord would connect with the ad. They did!

One young man responded to the ad and said: “I saw Him in my dream. He was white. He told me I was on the wrong track. When I woke up, I was sweating.”

A man I will call Elam saw the ad and wrote: “There was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Jesus’ silhouette in the darkness of the night. A bright light shone behind Him that helped me figure out it was Him. He said, ‘You took the first step, now it’s time for the second’ ... I’ve been seeing this ad more than 10 times a week …”

Trained film workers then began conversations, answering their questions, and sharing the gospel. Speaking of one encounter, a staff digital evangelist wrote: “I asked him if he wanted to choose to follow Jesus as Savior today, and in response he declared, ‘I do. I said the words (to accept Christ as Savior) as soon as you sent them to me. I’m still in tears ... I feel I am filled with joy and peace; my mind is at ease so much that I had never felt this light all my life.”

Digital evangelists use secure smartphone apps such as Telegram®, WhatsApp® and Instagram®. Some seekers speak of a vivid dream of Jesus; others tell of their inner conflicts. Trained workers will send them Scriptures, articles, segments of the JESUS film, and other Jesus Film® media, all of which can be viewed safely on their phones, even in difficult, dangerous nations. During the month of Ramadan, digital workers engaged in this way with seekers in 23 nations!

After hearing the gospel, a new believer wrote: “I prayed in my heart and called to Jesus. This makes me feel like a human being: God loves me and stands by my side, Jesus wanted to wake me up. I've seen my truth, I've seen my reason for being, and it has awakened me from the darkness that was inside me … I want to share with others my love of Jesus.”

This young person said: “I feel such serenity to just think about it … I confess and repent of my sins, and I believe in and accept Him as my Savior and Lord. Thank you so much for helping me. I really feel like I’m born again. I feel like I want to celebrate. I’m so happy.”

A few days later, as the same digital evangelist was leading him through follow-up/discipleship lessons, he wrote on WhatsApp: “My family has seen something different about me. I am changed now … I’ve found the missing piece of my soul! All these years I’ve spent living without a purpose. It feels like I haven’t lived at all. But right now. I feel like an infant. A lot of teens are unaware of the love of God nowadays. I’d like to spread the love and trust of God with my friends. Thank you again for caring and guiding my first steps on this path.”

And then a few days later, when he heard that Christians pray and sing he said: “What? Wait! Is singing also a prayer? GREAT!! Music is forbidden in {my religion}. Free! I feel free with the love of God, like the same joy as a holy victory, brother. This is great.”

Another young man, Julian, responded to an ad that asked people “Are You Weary? Jesus Will Give You Rest.” The digital evangelist reported: “Julian said yes, he wanted to know more! As soon as I sent him the gospel, I felt the Spirit move through his response, he’s ready for Jesus!

“Within minutes, he went on to pray and accept Christ! He immediately responded saying that Jesus Christ was with him. His life was forever changed. He literally shared that his body felt different in a way he couldn’t even describe. The very first day when I asked Julian who he could share this good news with, his joyfulness overflowed in words, and he said, ‘Hallelujah, I’ll start with my family, JESUS CHRIST will help me.’

“He prayed with me, asking ‘My Lord please let me know you more.’ His love for Jesus was contagious, spilling out of him as he shared immediately after accepting Christ with his brother, and when rejected by him didn’t stop! He shared a second time, and his brother DID turn to the Lord and accepted Jesus as Savior. Since then, he has shared with his entire family and many friends as well and said, ‘I will share with everyone. God will help me.’

In dangerous locations, the only safe way to share the gospel and disciple new believers is through the internet, using secure apps. In other locations, where it is safer, tablet sets and microSD cards are a great way to reach people. Many also have smartphones that accept microSD cards to play films on their phones.

Recently, a team was distributing clothing to people in need. An elderly man, Umed, insisted the team stay with him and his 11 family members. After they ate together, everyone settled in for a time of storytelling, a common practice in their culture. First the villagers told their stories, then the team told stories from the Old Testament, about Abraham and the coming redeemer.

Though it was getting late, the family excitedly agreed to watch Magdalena.* Some family members were in tears, saying that Magdalena was a gift! The team left Umed with DVDs and SD cards loaded with films, including JESUS. After two months, the team returned to the village and heard that Umed—the faithful storyteller—had become an evangelist himself, showing approximately 200 people movies about the life of Christ all using Jesus Film media!

From film teams who show JESUS publicly, to digital teams who share truth with seekers in closed nations, or church-planting film teams who give out microSD cards, your gracious partnership is making it possible for everyone, everywhere to hear the gospel (available in more than 1,998 languages!). For all you do, thank you very much.

As you have read, people are ready now, seeking answers, and looking for truth. We just need to tell them, to let them see, hear and understand the gospel in the language of their hearts.

It’s why I hope these reports lift your heart and expand your vision. Many film teams and ministry partners who use JESUS speak of an unprecedented openness to the gospel, even among those once hostile to Christ. To meet their openness, teams and ministry partners are asking for microSD cards, and video tablet sets. Here are these and other ways you can help send the gospel to people who have never heard:


$120 for 12 microSD cards preloaded with JESUS and other Jesus Film Project media.

$250 to equip workers and volunteers with 25 microSD cards.

$350 for a Tablet to equip a team.

$435 to stream JESUS and other films online to up to 15,000 people.

$530 to provide a Video Tablet Set with speakers and a solar panel to reach small groups.

$1,590 to provide 3 Video Tablet Sets to reach small groups.

$1,682 to stream Jesus Film media online to help reach up to 58,000 people.

$2,100 to send 6 Tablets to equip teams to show Jesus Film media.

$2,650 to equip 5 teams with a Video Tablet Set, with speakers, and a solar panel for small groups.

$3,190 to stream Jesus Film media online to help reach up to 110,000 people.

$5,300 to equip 10 teams with a Video Tablet Set, with speakers, and a solar panel for small groups.

$10,150 to stream Jesus Film media online to help reach up to 350,000 people.


It’s a privilege to partner with these teams, ministries, and with you, to supply digital tools, support online video-streaming and evangelism, and to send equipment to show Jesus Film media. People are ready now. They are open. We just need to tell them. Thank you for letting them see, hear and understand.

Until everyone sees Jesus,

Josh Newell
Executive Director
Jesus Film Project®

PS. More than 1,800 ministry partners are using JESUS, as well as microSD cards, digital evangelism platforms, tablet sets, and translations of various Jesus Film media. If people can see, hear and understand the gospel in their heart language, many will respond. Partners need digital tools such as video tablets, microSD cards, and video streaming, as soon as we can send them. If possible, please mail or post your gift by October 15, 2022. You can send these tools by clicking the “Give a gift” button or by calling (800) 387-4040 and giving by credit or debit card. For gifts of stock, from an IRA, or a donor-advised fund, call (888) 278-7233 or email stock@jesusfilm.org. Thank you so much.

  *Magdalena is a version of the film JESUS that is ideal for reaching women and families.

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