Take God’s Word to oral learners living in unreached people groups

#2852450 - StoryRunners - Story Bible Translations to the Unreached

80% of the world’s population identify as oral learners—this doesn’t mean they can’t read or don’t have an education. It means they learn best when they learn in community and relate what they learn to their culture. Using oral Bible stories is highly effective to reach oral learners.

To fulfill the Great Commission, we want to see followers of Christ in communities of faith among every unreached people group in oral cultures. We do this by developing the key stories of the Bible in those languages, curated by local speakers of the language, to convey the truth clearly and simply, through storytelling!

StoryRunners® partners with a local church or group in a remote place to establish a School of Storying. There local volunteers work together over several weeks to develop The Promise—a series of stories from the Bible from Creation to the Return of Jesus using the vernacular, idioms and cultural understanding of the people.

When these volunteers finish the work, they are sent out to share the stories. People who have no concept of the gospel message are drawn to the intrigue, wonder and hope of The Promise of Jesus and His beautiful redemption plan.

These stories change lives! Give your best gift today to take God’s Word to those who are waiting to hear His story.

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