Box of Love® Deliver a holiday meal — and the love of Jesus — to a family in need!

#2289571 - Inner City - Boxes of Love

We’re gearing up for our 37th annual Box of Love® Outreach to share holiday meals with families in need in urban communities across the nation.

  • Every Box of Love is a complete Thanksgiving meal, with all the trimmings — more than enough to feed a family of six.
  • Plus the Box of Love includes a gospel presentation — Scripture materials for both children and adults and information about knowing God personally.
  • It is delivered by a caring neighbor from a local Cru® partner — a church or ministry — who uses the Box of Love as a “connection point” to establish a relationship with the family.
  • The Box of Love does more than meet a physical need — children and adults encounter the gospel and experience the love of Christ personally!

Countless thousands have come to faith in Christ over the decades through this proven-powerful outreach.

Every Box of Love is an opportunity to lift up Jesus in the inner city.

Just $43.40 from you today will provide a Box of Love full of holiday food, more than enough to feed a family of six ... and help keep all our compassionate work in the inner city going, too!

Please respond today, in Jesus’ name. Thank you!

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