Frontline Staff - Gifts Doubled through Dec. 31st!

Frontline Staff - Gifts Doubled through Dec. 31st!

Serving in 192 nations, Cru missionaries are reaping an extraordinary harvest all around the world. But as war, inflation, and persecution take their toll, many urgently need immediate help to stay in the field. It takes an average of $300 per month (just $10 per day) to provide the extra support they need. And today, your gift will be doubled! All gifts matched through Dec. 31st up to $100,000.

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$35 to be DOUBLED to cover a week of support
$150 to be DOUBLED to cover one month of support
$300 to be DOUBLED to cover two months of support

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Bibles for Africa and the Middle East - $27

Bibles for Africa and the Middle East - $27

In Africa and the Middle East, Bibles translated into local languages are difficult to obtain, and some people wait years for a copy!

Every $6.75 for a Bible today will:

  • Help fill the spiritual hunger created by a world in crisis
  • Deliver God’s Word to remote/closed places
  • Disciple new believers
  • Energize struggling churches
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$27 provides 4 Bibles
$81 provides 12 Bibles
$300 equips an entire church with Bibles!

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Meals for the Hungry - $30

Meals for the Hungry - $30

War, inflation and failing food supply chains are ravaging millions of lives. This Christmas, the need to deliver life-saving meals is critical! Please help fill hungry stomachs and open hearts to the gospel. Your gift will provide meals in hard-to-reach places where other agencies do not go, feeding hungry orphans, school children, refugees and more.



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$30 provides 100 meals
$60 provides 200 meals
$120 provides 400 meals

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Start a New Church - $400

Start a New Church - $400

Cru missionaries are prayerfully and purposefully identifying unreached areas and starting new churches, even in the most challenging nations on earth! Your $400 legacy gift will fund a new church, providing training and tools including Bibles. You’ll help bold evangelism, biblical teaching and godly fellowship finally reach churchless people. It’s a gift that will impact generations!

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$50 to start a new church
$200 to start a new church
$400 funds one new church

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Clean Water - Gifts Doubled up to $200,000

Clean Water - Gifts Doubled up to $200,000

Every two minutes, a child dies from water-related illness. But you can save lives for years to come when you help drill or repair a clean-water well! Dozens of churches filled with new believers have been planted through water projects, so give now to save lives today and for eternity. All gifts will be matched up to $200,000!

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$25 will be DOUBLED to $50 to provide clean water
$50 will be DOUBLED to $100 to provide clean water
$125 will be DOUBLED to $250 to provide clean water 

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Closed-Country Evangelism - $20

Closed-Country Evangelism - $20

God is touching hearts in closed nations on a scale we’ve never seen before! To reap this extraordinary harvest, Cru radio programs, television, websites and other media reach behind walls of oppression to proclaim gospel truth. At this time of extraordinary spiritual hunger, every $1 reaches 5 people in the most closed countries on earth.

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$20 shares Jesus with 100 people.
$100 reaches 500 people.
$500 reaches 2,500 people!

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Ultimate Impact Fund - Any $ Amount

Ultimate Impact Fund - Any $ Amount

Do you see the overwhelming needs everywhere? A gift to the Ultimate Impact Fund goes where funds are needed most to keep sharing the good news, PLUS provide for new and emergent opportunities that arise!

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$50 to make the Ultimate Impact
$100 to make the Ultimate Impact
$500 to make the Ultimate Impact


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Bundle of Blessings - $140

Bundle of Blessings - $140

Are you having trouble deciding or do you want to do it all? Give a Bundle of Blessings! Your $140 gift will be evenly divided between every need in this catalog. So you’ll be giving Bibles, water, missionary support and more — a huge Christmas blessing!

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$140 to be split among every need!

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