Equip Teams to Reach People with “JESUS”

#2592166 - "JESUS" Worldwide Strategy

Dear Friend in Christ,

I am very grateful for you. Your vital partnership and prayers fuel this mission. You are making it possible for believers on the field to walk through open doors, carrying the light of Jesus with them.

They see His hand at work and are also grateful … for you.

Here is a remarkable report from one of those teams. This is how God is answering your prayers.

A “JESUS” film team working with a partner ministry* was about to encounter opposition. They had gone out in faith to a very dangerous area, to the outskirts of a major city. They knew the culture and dominant religion would resist.

As the team walked into the city, they said that everyone began staring at them. By their dress, the team stood out.“We felt like intruders.”

With many eyes following them, the team walked the streets in prayer. They asked the Lord where they should set up the “JESUS” film showing. Then a man aggressively stepped out in front of them.

The man drew a line in the dirt road and commanded: “We know what you do, what you are about. Don't cross this line. Whatever you do, stay on the other side. Don’t come any closer to us.”

The team backed away, avoiding a conflict. Thankfully, they did find a location where they set up their portable, battery-powered equipment. Then throughout the entire night, they showed “JESUS.” About 400 people experienced the power of His Word in their heart language, the basis of the film.

As night approached, they set up for the showing. A crowd began to gather. Again, a man stepped out, this time from among the people. It was that same man who had opposed them.

“Tonight, I'm moving the line!” He walked past the team, to the edge of the neighborhood and drew a new boundary in the dirt, expelling them. “You're out. Go find another place to show the film.”

Again avoiding a confrontation, they packed up the equipment and left. They hoped to find a new place to show the film. Eventually, the team came across an open lot in a different neighborhood. Once more they assembled the screen, set up the speakers, wires, PA system, projector and stand. All was ready to show the film.

When they were about to start the projector, two factions from the night before arrived. They began to argue among themselves about who had the right to shut the film team down. “It's our turn!” “No, it’s ours!” It was a discouraging moment because the team had prayed for the right showing site.

In the middle of the chaos, another group in the crowd began shouting, “Show the movie! Show the movie!” As they chanted, a man spoke up: “Last night I had a dream. Someone, an angel came to me and said, ‘Watch the film.’”

Another person also stepped in, saying, “Jesus came to me last night and told me to watch the film.” Others now joined the chorus: “Show the film! Show the film!” The team said it devolved into a loud ruckus.

Many people in the neighborhood heard the shouting. They came out of their homes to the site, forming a massive crowd. They wanted to know what was going on. As the crowd swelled to 2,000 people, others raised their hands while shouting, “Show the film! Show the film!”

With the crowd on their side, the team started the projector! The people sat, quieted down and became involved in the story, the person of Jesus, the power of His Word. They saw Jesus, the Son of God, portrayed on the screen. They heard His Word in their heart language. They witnessed His miracles, felt His love and were moved as He died and rose again … for them. The result?

More people watched “JESUS” and made a commitment to Christ that night than anyone could have ever imagined! For the first time in 2,000 years, the gospel took hold in this very resistant area. And it all started when a hostile follower of the dominant religion drew a line in the dirt and said, “You will not pass.”

But God prevailed. He had picked the right spot for the showing after all. His Spirit “crossed the line drawn in the dirt” and moved through those 2,000 people. He called all who would believe. God heard your intercession and the team’s prayers, and turned the tables on Satan, “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.”**

This report is like many we receive, and our hearts respond in praise.

He used this ministry partner, their film team and the equipment that you helped provide. This is the reason I invite you to help equip waiting film teams with the tools they need to reach many more people who have never heard the gospel or even the name of Jesus.

As ministry partners raise up new workers, requests for equipment continue to be received. Partners are especially asking for video tablets.

When trained and equipped, waiting workers will use this versatile tool to show “JESUS” and other Jesus Film® media one on one or in small groups.

The tablets are ideal for resistant, dangerous areas. You can equip a waiting worker with a video tablet set, including a Bluetooth speaker, for a gift of $530. You can send a video tablet (without Bluetooth speaker) for a gift of $425. Please give as you are led and according to your ability, for God honors every gift offered joyfully and in love.

And should you have greater resources, please consider sending a waiting film team a Church-Planting Backpack Kit. Everything a team needs for larger showings fits into a backpack: screen, projector, speakers, stands, microphone, amplifier and a car/motor charger. As many as 300 people at a time can watch. A Church-Planting Backpack Kit can multiply the work of a waiting team for a gift of $3,580. Or you could provide half the cost with a gift of $1,790; or a quarter of the cost with a gift of $895. I know that not all of us have that kind of financial ability, but any gift you can send large or small will touch lives.

Also consider sponsoring a waiting film team. Each team needs about $38 per day. During that day, they may show “JESUS” or follow up new believers. Some teams will train others to also show “JESUS” and plant churches. Their greatest joy is to watch God plant thriving, dynamic churches where there were none. Perhaps you can help by sponsoring one day ($38), two days ($76) or four days of team support ($152).

Another option is to send a NewLifeBoxTM Kit for a gift of $205. These devices fit in a pocket and create a mobile Wi-Fi-like hotspot. Anyone within about 150 feet will see a Wi-Fi invitation that will let them watch or download “JESUS.” These tools are also in great demand for resistant areas.

Thank you again for your prayers and generous support. It is your partnership that is helping impact the lives of thousands with the good news of Jesus. You are sending and equipping the teams, rescuing thousands every day from spiritual darkness. Your prayers are accomplishing much, by His Spirit’s power.

May God bless you.

Until everyone sees Jesus,

Josh Newell
Executive Director
Jesus Film Project®

PS. Hundreds of video tablets are needed around the world by teams waiting to go, particularly for use in closed nations. They are pre-loaded with a variety of films, all in the local languages. If possible, please give today, enabling you to potentially receive a tax deduction for 2023. You can also safely give via credit card by calling (800) 918-9929. Also consider transfers of stocks, securities, real property, from a donor-advised fund or your IRA. Please visit: www.jesusfilm.org/planned-giving. You can email stock@jesusfilm.org or ira@jesusfilm.org to begin the process of making a tax-wise gift today. Thank you.

*More than 1,800 ministries, mission organizations and churches use Jesus Film® media. Your partnership helps supply them with equipment and training. Many of these partners are working in dangerous, resistant areas.
** 2 Corinthians 10:4 English Standard Version.

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