Reach oral learners in 2024

#2817474 - StoryRunners Projects: Evangelism, Discipleship and Church Planting

2023 is quickly drawing to a close, and before it does, you can invest in bringing the stories of Jesus to more people who have never heard. As we look ahead to 2024, we’re trusting God to move for His glory in the lives of unreached oral learners. 

  • In Ethiopia -- where there are 80 languages -- we’re training a team and have plans to conduct three School of Storying workshops to develop The Promise, a series of oral Bible stories from Creation to the Return of Jesus. With this set of stories, we’ll begin to see lives transformed!
  • In Tanzania -- our first team has been trained, and they are recruiting their first trainees to mentor. You trained them, and now with your help, they’ll train others.
  • In Mongolia -- this is a brand-new nation for StoryRunners. About 30% of the population is nomadic, and no evangelism efforts so far have made much impact. But because households tend to travel and camp near each other, community fireside gatherings and storytelling have a strong tradition. The stories of The Promise are perfect for this setting!

All of this, and much more, is planned for 2024, with at least 29 Schools of Storying workshops, each one having a church planting training afterward. Imagine the impact you’ll make with your gift today. Launch the new year to take the good news of Jesus Christ around the world using oral Bible stories. 

Please pray -- ask the Lord how you can participate -- and then give generously as He leads you. So many more who are just waiting to hear the gospel in a way they can understand -- this can be your gift to them!

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