UNTO: Provide Clean Water for Suffering People


On World Water Day, your gift will be DOUBLED by matching funds! 

On average, women and children in the toughest places walk 1-2 hours a day — and often much more — to collect water for their families. They face dangerous terrain, extreme temperatures, and physical harm. Once they collect water, they must carry their 40-pound filled container back home. 

You can do something about the greatest source of suffering on earth by providing people in the toughest places with access to safe, clean water. Your gift in recognition of World Water Day will be DOUBLED by matching funds*, up to $125,000!


This year Unto® plans to fulfill 140 water projects — including drilling new wells, repairing broken ones, and distributing water filters — that will give 180,000 people access to clean water. Many of the countries being served not only lack clean water, they are also closed to the message of hope.

Providing clean water allows local staff members to access unreached people groups. It builds credibility with local authorities. And it increases their ministry effectiveness. At nearly every well-opening ceremony, the eternal hope of Jesus is shared — and new churches are often established.

Will you give today and have your gift DOUBLED to provide clean water for TWICE as many people living in the toughest places on earth?


*Match is available through April 30
To make a gift by phone:
Call toll free: 1-800-778-7806, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET, or email unto@unto.com — Unto® Development Office.
Call toll free: 1-888-278-7233 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET, or email us at eGift@cru.org — Cru® Donation Services Office.
To make a gift by mail:
To send your check or credit card donation by mail, simply download and print this donation form.


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