$60k Challenge Grant: Send “JESUS” to the Unreached


Here is an opportunity so promising that a generous donor of Jesus Film Project® has given $60,000 as a lead gift. He invites you to join him where God is working—in the most difficult, unreached nations on earth—digitally.

Zidan saw a social media ad, “Do you want to know more about Jesus and the Holy Bible?” He clicked and was immediately connected with a Jesus Film® digital team member an online evangelist thousands of miles away. Within minutes of reading the messages of hope and the Scriptures, the online evangelist sent, he prayed to receive Christ and then typed:

“I have sins and I only trust Jesus to be healed … something changed in my heart … I feel lighter than ever, like the feather of a bird!”  Zidan enrolled in a series of online discipleship lessons. The evangelist said, “He started to grow dramatically in his faith!”  And he began sharing his new faith with his friends. One friend asked him, “How could God become flesh?” The online training equipped him to answer that God is Spirit and lived among us as a Man. “I told my friend it is because God loves us that He came to be our Savior.”

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Disciple Them in Their New Faith

Zidan is but one of thousands who are responding to the social media ads, in the most closed nations on earth. Transformed, many of those who believe, burn with a desire to lead their family and friends to Christ. Where possible, staff connect them with local Christians or house churches, who also disciple and build them up. Staff are seeing multiple generations of new believers as they share their faith, spreading the gospel from person to person. This is why it’s so important to equip and train them, in the power of the Holy Spirit.

It’s why that friend of Jesus Film Project gave the first $60,000 Challenge Grant. You can also join in and help build up and disciple new believers by sending proven digital tools. I cannot give you the details (for security), but today you can send microSD cards into the harvest. They contain the film “JESUS” and discipleship videos and don’t attract attention. You can also equip workers with video tablets, or stream “JESUS” and follow-up films into these nations through the internet, into fields that are “white for harvest.”

Seekers are ready, open, and searching. They need to be encouraged and trained.  God is working, using your partnership to reach them, to disciple them. The needs and opportunities are many! Thank you so much for however you feel led to help. Your gifts will help transform lives for eternity—by His power!

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Your charitable donations are tax-deductible. The ministry’s Tax Identification Number is 95-6006173. Jesus Film Project® is a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International®. The ministry operates under the brand name, Cru®, in the United States.

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