Plant a church today, Reap a harvest for eternity


Our hurting world — especially now — needs more faithful, biblical churches. Churches dedicated to evangelism, solid teaching, worship, fellowship, compassion and truth!

And right now, thousands of missionaries are eager to go to the ends of the earth to share Jesus and establish faithful churches.

All that’s missing are the resources. Just $400 will start a church and include training, Bibles, evangelism materials and more.

 Cru missionaries are seeing incredible spiritual hunger. Teams are reporting:

  • God is working in a region overrun by extremist: “[Our church planting team went to a] very dangerous area … it is a red zone … because of the [extremists] and terrorists there … We, nevertheless, relied on God to come and God honored our faith … [After our first large evangelism event], 41 people gave their lives to the Lord.”

  • They’ve started 6 churches in a very closed nation: Missionaries shared the gospel, and Alina* began dreaming about Jesus: “Jesus walked up to her and said, ‘You’ve heard about Me. You know I’m the Way. It’s time to start following Me’ … Alina joyfully responded in faith … Six new house churches have been established in this previously unreached area!”

  • God’s Spirit knows no boundaries. He’s raised up a church in a prison: “Join with us and praise God because He is so good! More than 50 prisoners were baptized! … [A] church was born in jail.”

The momentum is extraordinary. Year over year, we’ve trained nearly double the number of church planters as in past years. In the words of one worker, “Many have heard the gospel, many have placed their trust in Christ.”

The spiritual hunger, determination and manpower are all there. All that’s needed is a faithful partner like you. Just $400 will start a church TODAY.

Will you help with a special gift?

Biblical churches are how real, life-long transformation happens. It’s how new believers grow. It’s how they learn to proclaim the gospel to others, to care for widows and orphans, to live the gospel. 

You know the difference it makes to have Christian fellowship: heartfelt care, communal worship, biblical teaching. Will you give that gift to those who’ve never had a church?

To help start churches to impact generations, will you help with a special gift of $50, $100 or more today? 

With a monthly gift of $33, in a year, you can help plant ONE church. Or you can invite your friends to join with you to plant a church NOW. 

It only takes 20 people giving $20, or 10 giving $40 — together, we can start a church!

Our broken world desperately needs churches that stand strong to counter lies and proclaim truth. Please help plant a church today to reap a harvest for eternity.

*Name changed for security

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