You can reach the unreached and transform lives today!

#2817474 - StoryRunners Projects: Evangelism, Discipleship and Church Planting

You can reach the unreached and transform lives today!

Esther learned to tell oral Bible stories in her heart language and was trained to share them effectively in her Tanzanian village.

Esther couldn’t wait to share the stories of Jesus. She even reached out to Saguda, an angry, abusive man who most people avoided at all costs! As she shared the story of the prodigal son with Saguda, he listened intently. He was moved to think God could forgive him and give him peace!

Saguda gave his heart and life to Jesus — and he was transformed!

Saguda knows Jesus today because of friends like you, and he’s busy sharing the truth and hope of Christ with others! Saguda’s told the stories of Jesus to his wife. She received Christ and told the stories to her friend, who also received Christ! Now Saguda leads a story group, the oral equivalent of a Bible study, with 12 people in his community.

Now everyone in the village is intrigued, they want to know more about the One who changed Saguda. And when he starts telling God’s stories, more lives are changed.

Give your best gift today so people like Esther can be equipped to tell God’s story and people like Saguda can hear His message of hope and love for the first time! Transform lives, families and entire communities through your partnership.  

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