Rush Help to Missionaries on the Frontlines

#1076442 - Frontline Staff

We’re halfway through 2024 and there are some frontline missionaries living on less than half of their support.

To get them through 2024, will you help today?

Frontline missionaries — missionaries serving in closed countries, war-torn areas and beyond — rely on faithful partners from around the world to provide for their most basic needs.

Joseph* is one of those missionaries.

Joseph’s nation was recently torn apart by civil war — and he and his family actually saw the horror come into their own home. As their hearts pounded with fear, invaders barged in and stripped the house of everything of value. Amidst the chaos, Joseph grabbed his family and escaped. They had to travel through five cities just to get somewhere safe. 

Joseph soon reunited with other Cru missionaries sharing similar accounts … of walking around bodies that “had been dead for three days.” Of “bullets flying right above us.” Of escapes that God orchestrated, just in time.

A fierce spiritual battle is raging around frontline missionaries. War, persecution, hunger and inflation are hitting them from all sides. And the truth is, we can’t stop these attacks. 

But we CAN ensure these faithful men and women have the finances they need to get through these struggles and keep sharing Jesus. As they continue to proclaim gospel truth despite tremendous challenges, I’m praying you’ll stand with them with your gift today.

As inflation soars and violence rips nations apart, Cru missionaries are struggling to afford food, housing and transportation. Recent field reports share their hurt: 

  • “[Our local supporters are falling away as] there is an increased rate of unemployment … It is becoming very difficult for our staff with low support to focus.”

  • “They can no longer fully concentrate on their mission, because financial worries weigh on them.”

  • “[In the wake of war,] they need help establishing a life again. [They] lost everything. Many travel by foot only. Thinking about the future is very challenging.”

These men and women have devoted their lives to sharing Jesus. They are used to persecution, hardship and frugal living. They have deep faith. 

But stop all the other challenges, month after month of intense financial strain is taking its toll. As currency values fall, it keeps getting worse. 

It's a huge weight to carry. 

These missionaries are actively working to try to raise support locally. But people in deep poverty can barely afford to feed their own families, let alone support a missionary. And many are serving in places dominated by hostile religions or civil unrest. The pool of potential partners is small … and telling the wrong person is dangerous.

Amidst extraordinary challenges, these faithful men and women need outside help to keep sharing Jesus with people who are uniquely open amidst the hardship. They need your help.

It takes an average of $300 per month to give Cru missionaries in the hardest places the boost they need to stay in the field — covering critical needs like shelter and food so that they can focus on sharing the gospel. 

That’s just $10 per day to encourage a missionary, provide for their most essential needs and proclaim Jesus in some of the most challenging places on earth!

Your gift of $50 for 5 days, $100 for over a week or even more will help faithful missionaries who need support to stay in the field. As challenges hit from every side, you’ll fuel their ministry and encourage their hearts.

We’re halfway through 2024 and some Cru missionaries have less than HALF of what they need to get by.

Please pray for these missionaries as they continue to reap a great harvest: for their protection, provision and encouragement. 

Please stand with them with your best gift today.

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