Send “JESUS” to the Unreached

#2279851 - JESUS Film Digital Media

Send “JESUS” to the Unreached

We have received an exciting report. It came from a ministry partner working in a very difficult location in Africa. She began her email by saying: “I am so overwhelmed with joy to report …”

I pass her message along to you because it is your prayers and gifts that help make her joy possible—by the power of our God.1  

Brenda, a field leader with ministry partner Favor International: “I am so overwhelmed with joy to report about the great accomplishments we were able to make through the NewLifeBoxes your ministry donated to us …

“Like Saul on his way to persecute Christians, he was completely changed and became Paul—because he met the Savior. In the same way, many new believers are meeting the Savior.

“They are staunch followers of the dominant religion, living in dark strongholds and persecuting Christians, motivating the church to operate underground. But when they watch the suffering of Christ through a NewLifeBox, they encounter Jesus right there. A transformation happens by the renewal of their minds. We have witnessed transformation happening right before our eyes!

Send Jesus Now

Powerful Tools for Discipleship

The NewLifeBoxesTM that Brenda refers to fit in a shirt pocket, are battery powered and set up a Wi-Fi-like zone. Anyone within 150 feet of these devices sees a notice on their phone, “Watch a film about Jesus Christ.” Though the box is out of sight, as many as 15 people can simultaneously, privately experience or download “JESUS,” and other Jesus Film® media. Friends like you have sent thousands of these devices to film teams. Thank you!

Brenda continued … “The NewLifeBoxes™ have become a powerful tool for discipleship. We have started hundreds of small groups in homes and community centers where we disciple through the NewLifeBoxes. Evangelism and teaching in our mission field have been made possible by this tool.

“We have established 200 discipleship groups and trained at least 100 local missionaries ready to take the gospel to difficult territories for Jesus. The workers just carry them in their personal backpacks, turn them on and enter a religious leader’s house. Soon, his family has watched the story of Jesus and encountered the Lord. Our workers then disciple the new believers, also using the box.”

And she shared some testimonies from people they have reached:

  • “I’ve been hearing about Jesus Christ as the Son of God born by virgin Mary and I couldn’t understand how this could be,2 today I have seen it with my eyes, and I accept Him as my Lord and Savior.”
  • “Today I have seen Jesus Christ speaking in my language, which brought total joy in my heart and blessings to my people for we can hear our Lord speaking in our language.”

Send Jesus Now

And one of their staff reported this: “Hundreds of people including children were watching the ‘JESUS’ film from the NewLifeBox. Our zeal to reach many lost souls through the ‘JESUS’ film is very high. Everyone who came to watch the film, gave their lives to Jesus, and it was hundreds of them!!

Your prayers and gifts are penetrating the darkness, helping unreached people see, hear, understand, and receive the love of Jesus. More than $1.3 million is needed to answer the many requests for film equipment like this and for other tools and for digital evangelism. God bless you for helping.

Send Jesus Now

Your charitable donations are tax-deductible. The ministry’s Tax Identification Number is 95-6006173. Jesus Film Project® is a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International®. The ministry operates under the brand name, Cru®, in the United States.

1: I have edited her email for clarity.
2: People from this religious tradition struggle at the thought that God could become a man. To them, it is blasphemy, because they do not understand the Trinity or how the Holy Spirit came upon Mary, resulting in God incarnate, Emmanuel or “God with us.”

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