$60k Challenge Grant: Reach Unreached People with "JESUS"


I hope the report below from a partner ministry below inspires you. I invite you to help people see “JESUS” and hear Him speak in the language they learned at their mother’s knee. From film teams who show “JESUS” publicly, to digital teams reaching people online (including video streaming), to film teams who give out microSD cards, people like you are making it possible for everyone, everywhere, to hear and understand the gospel in film—now available in more than 2,170 languages!


        Because God’s Word contained in the “JESUS” film is so powerful, a generous couple has given the first $60,000 as a Challenge Grant, specifically for digital evangelism and streaming. They hope to inspire you to follow their lead and join in the harvest so even more people can be reached. As He leads and enables, please pray about sending some of these tools—pathways the Lord can use to deliver His Word in a person’s heart language

Click here to give a gift today.

        It’s happening around the world. When you give a gift today, workers can be trained and supplied with video tablets, highly portable backpack sets, and given access to digital streaming of “JESUS.” All these tools are highly effective, especially to reach the next generation. Whether in the slums of a chaotic nation or in a remote village along a tributary of the Amazon River, God’s light is shining in the darkness. People who have never heard are responding.     

Click here to give a gift today.

God is Writing A Beautiful Story of Redemption

        Here is an encouraging report. It comes from a ministry partner who is working along the vast Amazon Basin river networks, reaching out to youth from some 14 different people groups. Many live in spiritual darkness, having never heard the gospel. Amanda, with Renew World Outreach, tells what happened: 

“Over 100 young tribal kids had an experience with a living and real God. And for many of them, this is the first time in the history of their nation that something like that has ever happened. Many of them chose to follow Jesus for the first time and were baptized.

“... So at this very moment, there’s a whole group of them that have come back to our training center. It’s like a jungle training center. They’re in the Amazon, and they’re in the process of becoming missionaries and church planters among the tribes of the Amazon. One of their primary strategies for church planting is using the ‘JESUS’ film. As they go out, they’re equipped with projectors to show the film.”

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         Listed below are several of the tools you can send into the harvest field, from microSD cards to digital evangelism, video streaming to equipping teams with video tablets. These tools are very much needed. Teams are ready and eager to share “JESUS.” They just need the equipment to do so. Though it’s a large number, more than $1 million is needed to help equip 1,800+ ministry partners.

Here’s how you can shine light into the darkness:

  • $60 for six microSD cards preloaded with “JESUS” and other Jesus Film® media.
  • $110 to stream “JESUS” and other films online to up to 6,100 people.
  • $430 to stream “JESUS” and other films online to up to 24,000 people.
  • $530 to provide a Video Tablet Set with a Bluetooth speaker to reach small groups (audiences of up to 25 at a time).
  • $1,725 to stream Jesus Film media online to help reach up to 96,000 people.
  • $2,650 to equip five teams with a Video Tablet Set and speakers to help reach small groups.
  • Other

Thank you for your prayers, your gifts and your faithful partnership. God is using you to enable people who walk in darkness to see a great light, His Son, Jesus.

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