Everyone loves a good story!

#2817474 - StoryRunners Projects: Evangelism, Discipleship and Church Planting

Stories are universal.

Because of faithful partners like you, the stories of Jesus travel to remote and unreached places through our School of Storying projects. As “students” learn the stories, in their own language, they take them out to reach their villages and communities for Christ!

But that’s not all! International students on college campuses across the U.S. are learning stories to take back to their families and communities. Everybody loves stories! And the stories of Jesus are the best kind! They draw people in and share a love they’ve never known.

“Don’t tell them Jesus is the only way. Let them hear about Jesus through stories, and they will fall in love with Jesus!” says Elizabeth, a Cru® staff member. Elizabeth believes this with all her heart. She’s seen how the stories of Jesus soften hearts to the gospel. She’s seen the wonder, the joy, the conviction.

She shares oral Bible stories with a group of college students from South Asia on the campus of Arizona State University. She tells a Bible story twice and the students retell it and discuss the principles and application of the story.

“These guys are genuinely interested in learning more about Jesus. They are so drawn to Him,” she shares with excitement.

One of these students, Samuel*, said, “I feel like I’m starting to connect with Jesus. When someone reads the Bible to me, I find it hard to pay attention; but when you tell a Bible story it’s different. I connect with Jesus.”

Elizabeth is surprised and thrilled that Harry* and Daniel* also continue to come to the story group. After only hearing an oral Bible story twice, they can retell it almost perfectly! Harry shares, “These stories about Jesus are very different than our stories about our gods. I can connect with Jesus. I love seeing Jesus’ compassion and emotions … He is very unique. I feel the reason I came to the U.S. is because I was supposed to get involved in Bible storytelling.”

Harry may one day return to his home, ready to share the stories of Jesus, and these stories change lives!

Your prayers and generosity will reach students at college campuses and around the globe with oral Bible stories. Please give your best gift today to take God’s Word to those who are waiting to hear His story.

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