Reach an Unreached People Group with “JESUS”

#2570262 - "JESUS" - A New Film Language Translation

You can help send “JESUS” to unreached people groups. Your gift will be used to create a new language version of “JESUS” and deliver it into the hands of ministry partners and film teams who will reach their own people, men, women and children who have yet to hear or understand the gospel.

Every gift you send, no matter the size, will be used to create and supply these new translations.

A new translation process begins with a team of linguists and local speakers who create a new script. Once tested and verified as accurate, local speakers are recorded as they watch the action on a screen, statement by statement, repeating each phrase until the right tone and delivery are achieved.

Help Create a Script

The average cost to create a script for a new language is $9,500. You can help by funding one-fourth of the cost with a gift of $2,375 or one-half for $4,750. Or, perhaps you can send $50, $120, or even $950. You can also help with a smaller gift, as you are able. Every gift you can send will make a difference.

Click here to give a gift today.

Help a Mission 865 People Group See Jesus: Challenge Grant

Consider reaching an entire people group by funding a Mission 865* language (for unreached people groups of 50,000 or more). A Challenge Grant covers half the cost of creating a lip-sync version of “JESUS,” leaving $21,000 yet to be funded for each new language. According to your ability, you can fund all the costs for a gift of $21,000. You may be able to give half with a gift of $10,500. Any amount you can give will be used to help create these new translations. Upon release of a new language, the presentation of the gospel is so effective that audiences frequently assume Jesus is a native speaker of their language. Perhaps God will use you to help give one of these people groups the gospel.

Click here to give a gift today.

A Miracle On The Amazon River

Here is an encouraging report from a ministry partner of Jesus Film Project®. God is supernaturally transforming lives for eternity by His Word, the basis of the film “JESUS.” Your prayers and support help make reports like this possible.

David and Stephanie Palusky are vital partners with Jesus Film Project. David, a gifted electrical engineer, has developed some of the portable showing tools used by hundreds of workers and film teams around the world. Two decades ago, the Paluskys had their first encounter with the “JESUS” film, an unforgettable encounter.

Stephanie: “We felt compelled to go deep up the Amazon river to find a people group, a tribe, that had never heard the gospel, the Urarina. We made friends with them. We saw that they were very poor and very sick, and I asked the chief, ‘What can we do for you?’ And he said, ‘You give me God’s word in my own language.’

The Paluskys contacted Wycliffe Bible Translators and found the sole speaker of this difficult language outside the tribe, a man who had been working to translate the Bible for them for 50 years! Because the project was incomplete and the people could not read, they decided to translate and record the “JESUS” film.

After months of hard work, it was complete. The Paluskys rented a large boat for their team and steered down the Amazon. At the helm was a “big captain,” as Stephanie describes him. Their trip took several days of river travel. At the showing, about 36 of the tribe watched. “It was like the best day of our lives. We were so happy. After they watched, they told us, ‘We have waited our whole lives to hear this story.’

            “But the next morning the chief, the one who had asked for the Word of God, fell seriously ill. He was dying. A nursing student with our team felt it was heart failure, and the chief would die soon. The captain of the riverboat warned us: ‘You are in big trouble because that man is going to die. He’s a chief, and he ate your candy. It’s going to look like you killed him.’

            “We were so upset and prayed for him. Then the captain mocked us, ‘Who do you think you are? God doesn’t hear you.’ The chief was lying on a grass mat on the ground. Several of us picked him up and placed him in the boat to get to a doctor—12 hours away. I feared he wouldn’t make it. He was gasping for every breath. We gathered the people around us and prayed in the name of Jesus, who they had watched the night before, including the captain. ‘Lord, have mercy!’

    “Suddenly something happened. The chief jumped to his feet, and he started wildly dancing, praising God. We were so shocked; we didn’t know what to say! The boat captain refused to believe this was the same man. When he finally realized that he was the dying chief but now wildly alive, he fell on his knees in tears in front of us, giving his life to the Lord and repenting for his sins.

    “The chief started to prophesy to his people. ‘This Jesus did not just come for the white man or the Hispanic, but He came for our people, too.’ News spread from hut to hut, from village to village, up and down the Amazon. A local missionary took the new film and went deep into the jungle, showing the film to other villages of their tribe, in their heart language. Many came to Christ. The same missionary followed them up, teaching and discipling, raising up leaders and new church planters who are now using ‘JESUS.’”                                                

Click here to give a gift today.  

Thank you again for your faithfulness in prayer and giving. You play such an important part in the work of those 1,800 ministry partners who are taking the gospel to people who have never heard. You help send them, equip them and provide them with needed translations of “JESUS.” A great task remains to give everyone, everywhere a chance to experience “JESUS” in their heart language. May God bless you however you wish to help.

Your gift of any amount will be used to help create and deliver these new translations to unreached people. Thank you for your participation in sharing the gospel.

In the event all current Mission 865 languages become fully funded, your gift will go to a priority language awaiting funding.

Click here to give a gift today.  

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