When Robert dreamed at night, he heard God sending him to the gold miners.
In Burkina Faso there are hundreds of artisanal and smallscale mining sites where men, women and children dig and process the country’s number one export: gold. Mining towns like Djikando have a reputation for being dangerous, rife with substance abuse and violence.
But this didn’t scare Robert, a youth leader in a Burkina Faso church. In May of 2024, Robert attended a StoryRunners training where he learned practical ways to do ministry with Bible stories in his language. He knew that many young people in the nearby mining town of Djikando needed hope and that many efforts to share the gospel there had failed – the workers tended to be busy trying to make money.
“When I arrived there, I said I had good news for them,” said Robert.
Dozens of boys were on their lunch break when Robert first shared a Bible story in their local language of Lobiri. Not many of them paid attention. But to the few that were interested he said, “I will come again to tell stories in three days, if you each bring one friend to listen.”
When he returned three days later, he found a group four times the size of the first waiting to hear what he had to say. So Robert told the same story he had told before: the story of Zaccheus and how an invitation from Jesus changed Zaccheus’ life.
“After that I explained to them why Zaccheus wanted to look for the Lord – because Jesus is the only way to heaven. I told them that there is no other way to heaven, only by Jesus.”
Three of those miners who hadn’t wanted to hear before now asked him to pray for them. That day, they gave their lives to Jesus! Soon, they started meeting regularly, and a church was formed.
Djikando has started to change this past year. Christians used to think it was a hard place to reach with the gospel. Now every week, Robert and other leaders help new believers hold church services there.
“When I go to this place they call me Pastor Robert, but I say that my name is Robert only. It is the Lord who makes this happen.”
Your gift today will equip church planters like Robert to start new generations of Christians throughout their country. Help communities like Djikando be transformed by the gospel!
Please join us in praying for church planters using oral Bible stories in Burkina Faso and worldwide. Pray that God would lead them to people whose hearts God has prepared to hear and receive the gospel!
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