As teams and partners go ever deeper into unreached areas with “JESUS,” they are witnessing barriers fall away. The Great Commission is steadily being fulfilled, person by person. And you are playing a key role. Thank you. Glory to God!
More than 3 billion lost have yet to be reached, before the day when Christ’s command to reach all nations is fulfilled. Providing vital tools to share the gospel with them in their heart language is so important that generous friends of Jesus Film Project® have taken the first step and given a Challenge Grant of $275,000. The couple behind this generous gift hope to inspire you to follow their lead, to help equip even more teams who are eager to reach their own people with the hope of Jesus.
This is why I invite you to click here to give and join the Challenge Grant to equip the teams. Many local ministries and churches don’t have the financial resources to purchase these showing tools. But they have people who are more than willing to use them and willing to go. As we have the funds to send the equipment, they will go to people who have never heard.
You may be surprised to learn that more than 1,800 partner ministries use “JESUS,” many as their primary tool for evangelism, discipleship and church planting. One of those ministries is Unto®, the humanitarian arm of Cru®. We recently spoke with Unto’s president, Al Goff. You may have read a bit of his interview in a recent newsletter you received. Here is the full report about this fruitful partnership that you help make possible.
“Unto and the ‘JESUS’ film go together like ham and cheese! Of the 100+humanitarian projects we carried out in 2024, nearly 80% or more involved the ‘JESUS’ film. The results are stunning.
“We dig water wells in extremely remote areas, places where people must walk dangerous miles to find water. In one location I visited, 15-year-old girls search daily for water and face wild animals, even rapists. These are also difficult places to share the gospel. But you should see how hearts open when clean water begins to flow.
“The best part is that they can’t understand why we would travel so far to help, expecting nothing in return. When they ask us ‘why,’ we tell them that, ‘… we serve a Master who knows your suffering. He loves you and commanded us to go,’ and that Christians in a distant land have paid the cost for them. They then ask, ‘Who is this Master?’ That’s when we offer to show them a film that tells His story using the equipment Jesus Film Project provides.
“One religious leader was so intrigued that he asked us to show the film on the side of his house of prayer. Instead, we offered to use our portable screen so people could watch from both sides. We expected 400 people to come that night. Instead, there were 2,000. They were blown away.
“About half the people (1,000) prayed to receive Christ, and there are now 15 thriving churches planted within walking distance of the well. Even the most resistant people want to meet the Master who sends us. Clean, safe water opens doors to show them ‘JESUS.’”
Because partner teams are going into fields that are “ready for harvest” a generous couple have led the way and given a Challenge Grant of $275,000. They invite you to follow their example, as you are able, and provide the equipment teams need to reach people with the gospel. Your gift of any amount will make a difference.
It is your partnership that helps supply partner ministries, like Unto, with translations of “JESUS” (now numbering 2,203), showing equipment like the highly portable Church-Planting Backpack Kits and Video Tablets.
Doors to see and hear the gospel are opening. Requests for the Church Planting Backpack Kits alone now exceed $429,000. So, please review the enclosed sheet for more information. I invite you to spend time in prayer, asking if God would lead and enable you to again have a part in this great harvest.
Thank you so much. May God bless you for your partnership.
If you would prefer to donate by phone, please call us toll-free at 1-800-918-9929.
Your charitable donations are tax deductible. The ministry's tax identification number is 95-6006173. Jesus Film Project® is a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International®. The ministry operates under the brand name, Cru®, in the United States.
Call us at (888)278-7233 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET, Monday-Friday, or email us at eGift@cru.org.
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