
Athletes in Action Vision
Christ Followers on Every Team, Every Campus, in Every Nation.

Athletes in Action Mission
Making Disciples Who Make Disciples in Los Angeles and Beyond (which is based on 2 Timothy 2:2 and Matthew 28:18-20)

Our goal is to effectively resource the mission and ultimately equip Bruins, Trojans and other campuses to know, to love and to make Jesus known Everywhere. The reality is we can not do this alone. Would you join the team by investing $80/month (Bruin 8 clap) or any other amount to fuel a spiritual legacy for the next generation?

Give to scholarship student-athletes to attend Athletes In Action global opportunities where they can hear the Gospel, grow in their faith, and be equipped for multiply their lives. You giving to the scholarship account enables athletes to attend events like the Winter Retreat, the Ultimate Training Camp, and numerous other AIA events and opportunities. Invest in a scholarship and invest in an athlete's life for eternity.

For specific questions and more information please email: Nikita.Motorin@athletesinaction.org or Tanya.Motorin@athletesinaction.org

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