Ukraine Campus Ministry



Welcome to our page! This is the name of our ministry among university students in Ukraine. The Campus Ukraine Leadership Team (pictured above)  GUIDES, EQUIPS and CARES for our staff and more than 200 student volunteers all across the country. 

Ukraine was once known as the “breadbasket” of Europe because of the abundance of its wheat harvest and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it has become the spiritual breadbasket of Europe. There has been great openness to the Gospel in Ukraine, especially after the war that came to our land in 2022. A lot of our students, staff, and families had to be relocated, some lost their loved ones in the battle, and several of our staff were mobilized to fight for our country. 
Our ministry goal has NEVER CHANGED! We want to allow every student to hear the Gospel, build them up spiritually through discipleship, and send them to be lifetime laborers for Christ. In moments of terror, pain, loss, and hopelessness we can bring the message of hope to the Ukrainian people.  At times like this, we need your help more than ever before.  
We need $25,000 annually to lead this ministry in Ukraine. Will you help us?
JOIN US in reaching the students of Ukraine for Christ!

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