La Crosse Area Cru


Vision Statement:
"La Crosse Area Cru crosses campuses, cultures, state lines and oceans to make disciples who make disciples."

La Crosse Area Cru is a network of ministries across the Tri-State Area of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa.  We are trusting God for the 20 campuses and 40,000 + students and faculty that attend these campuses collectively each and every year.  These campuses fall in a 75 mile radius around La Crosse, Wisconsin.

The heartbeat of our mission and vision is Jesus.  We labor to make disciples who make disciples locally as well as globally so that one day everyone will know someone who is truly following Him!

Will you join us in this critical and strategic ministry effort?

We are excited about how God is at work and invite you to invest in building His kingdom through your partnership with us.

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