East Carolina University


"Prayerfully trusting God to reach and equip East Carolina students and faculty with the knowledge of the Gospel for a lifetime of Kingdom growth”

Our hopes and prayers for the next few years is that students will invest in eternal things- in God, in His Word, and in the people around them!  We want students to spend time seeking the welfare of their city- on campus and in the city of Greenville!  We pray many lives are changed by Christ over the next few years.  God is at work, and we are excited to see what He will do in Eastern NC! 


Your faithful giving allows us to:

  • Create more opportunities to meet freshmen. We put on fun events for Freshmen and new students in the fall. These events are a key source of meeting new students. The more contacts we have the more students we can share the Gospel of Jesus with.
  • Have affordable retreats and conferences through out the year. Our conferences are a greenhouse of growth for students and often are a significant point of life change!
  • Help us scholarship Freshmen cadets in ROTC to our Fall Retreat and Winter Conference
  • Provide resources to small group leaders to enhance their impact on campus

Follow us on INSTAGRAM @piratecru

Website: https://ecucru.wordpress.com/

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Call us at (888)278-7233 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET, Monday-Friday, or email us at eGift@cru.org.

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