"This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father, to visit orphans" James 1:27
The number of children worldwide without families to love and care for them is overwhelming. There are 5.5 million orphans in Africa, 3.5 million orphans in Asia, 1.5 million orphans in Eastern Europe, 400,000 orphans in Latin America, and 135,000 children available for adoption in the U.S. foster care system.
Its easy to forget that each and every one of these children is precious to the Savior. Throughout Scripture we see God as the helper of the orphan (Psalm 10:14). I am convinced that Christians should be leading the international dialogue about our responsibility to provide a home and a family for those who have none.
I believe that as adopted children in Gods family, believers should be the first to reach out to orphaned and abandoned children around the world. Yet many are unaware of the great need, or of Gods call on the church to be actively involved in helping the fatherless.
Thats why we started FamilyLifes "Hope for Orphans" in 2003. Hope for Orphans is an educating and exhorting ministry dedicated to supporting and helping the fatherless and connecting those children with loving, Bible believing families. In accomplishing this goal, Hope for Orphans aims to help you in three primary areas:
Perhaps God is calling you and those in your church to change a precious little ones life today. What an awesome opportunity you and I have to reach the world for Christ, one home, and one child at a time.
Dennis Rainey, FamilyLife President, and his wife Barbara
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