Sunil & Dipika Adhikary


Dear Friend(ministry partner)
I am Rev: Sunil Ahikary. My wife Dipika Adhikary. We are working with CLB (CCCI)since 1987. At first I was working as regional Director at Khulna region from 1987 to 1996. During that time,we have been planted seven churches which we hand over to A,G church to look after those churches.

Also we had lot of multiplying disciples.When I was working there, I was going home during X-mas leave at 1993,23rd December,we had an road accident on the way of home.God miraculously saved us. My daughter Bristy and son Mark Anup with us. In that accident 53people were seriously injured and seven people died including driver. However 1996, I moved Dhaka as National Campus Director (NCD).That time,our Campus ministry expand to Rajshai and Chittagong. My lot of Disciples and Disciple's disciples are working with this ministry successfully.

By the Grace of God, I have performed my responsibilities properly. After that,since 2001, I was appointed as National leadership Team chairman.At the same time, Iam responsable for coverage ministry. In 2002,4th April, One of our team leader Hridoy Roy was killed by Muslim fundamentalist group in Jamalpur District. But we do not give up showing Gospel through J.F. In the mean time, our Campus region also increased, Before we have three campus region,Now we have six region. That is our ministry expanding in all respect. In 2005,29 July, another tragic unexpected incidient take place, That two of our JF team worker was killed by the Muslims Fundamentalist group in Bowalmari, Faridpur district. Also Hridoy Roy is the first Maryter of Bangladesh who sacrificed his life for preaching the Hospel. Though their was persecution, killing torturing,bit still we do not give up rather our number of team incise. By the grace of God, More than 240 churches have been planted through our J.F ministry. Total 7200 people took Baptism through coverage ministry. Isn't it great!

We have another trimendous ministry called Bangladesh Leadership Academy (B.L.A.). We start this ministry in 2003. Every year we trained 20 Muslims convert young man for 9 months and after the training they go back to thir won community so that they can reach their own community (Muslims people). This ministry is so successfull. We trained 100 young convert Muslims man and through this ministry 1000 + Muslims Background Believer (MBB)came to the Lord. Many Jamat(Muslim Church) has been planet all over the country.Also another 20 B.L.A. trainee's will finish their course on coming September. All the Christian denominational leader are very much pleased to see the new strategy to reach MBB people.

Campus staff : Now we have 50 GCTC staffs and we have six campus region in Bangladesh.Every year by the grace of God, our campus staff are increasing. So we will able to open more campus ministry region to reach lot of future campus leader. So I could say that the future is bright. Please pray for our ministry.

According to Campus Crusade For Christ policy, we are responsible to raise our all kinds of needs and to serve the Lord to expand His kingdom and thus to glory Him.

If you wanted to invest to expand His Kingdom, Your donation is so appreciated. 

Yours in Him
Sunil Adhikary
Christian Life Bangladesh (CCCI)

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