Czech Republic


Centered in the heart of Europe, the Czech Republic is a gorgeous country with lots of culture and beauty but unfortunately little spiritual life. The Czech Republic is known as one of the most atheistic countries in the world and our teams are passionate about journeying with Czech friends, students, athletes and business professionals through spiritual things; pressing into the rarely-discussed questions of eternity, the supernatural, and purpose in life and seeking to share the Gospel of Christ.

Currently, we have three different strategies serving different focus areas with athletes and high-level coaches, high school and university students, and business professionals. Our teams enjoy getting to jump into opportunities to invest in the lives of Czechs as we seek to expose them to the truth of the Gospel in ways and places they’ve unlikely experienced before. 

We invite you to be a part of what God is doing in the lives of our Czech friends, students, professionals, athletes, and families in this country. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us financially as we seek to build God’s Kingdom in the Czech Republic?

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