Athletes in Action - Priority Needs


Who was the most popular kid in your high school? In your college? Who is the face of your city?

Chances are it was (or is) an athlete.

Let’s face it. In today’s society, athletes have a platform and influence that’s almost unparalleled. When an athlete speaks, everyone listens.

Athletes have some of the largest social media presence, and voices that can start movements that change the world.

Imagine if, instead of using their platform to glorify themselves, athletes focused first on glorifying God? 

As believers, we can all agree that the world needs Christ. It always has. But exists in a crucial moment in history where the voice of one can reach millions. Who better to spread the good news than those who already have a listening audience?

Since 1966, Athletes in Action has had one mission: to reach athletes with the gospel of Christ, and train them in their faith.

We share Jesus in more than 60 countries, on over 200 college campuses and in 40 professional sport teams. We don’t receive government funding, or money from pro teams, so our mission can be uncompromised and above reproach.

And today, your support is needed more than ever.

Would you consider a gift to Athletes in Action, so that men and women across the globe can know the life-changing power of Jesus?

Your gift will help ensure that every team, in every sport, in every country has at least one member who truly follows Christ.

When you reach athletes, you reach the world.

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