Gabor and Mara HUN Madarasz


Our name is Gabi and Mara Madarasz and we are on staff with Cru in Hungary. We serve among college and high school students in Hungary’s capital city, Budapest.


Gabi: I grew up in a Christian family, so it was always very clear to me, that I wanted to have a personal relationship with Christ.
However, I was about 18 years old, when I really gave over my whole life to God and put Him on first place in my life.
A great adventure started with this step.
The desire to talk about God was growing stronger and stronger, but I wasn’t very sure about how I could share my faith most effectively.
Then I met Mara, who had been working with Cru for 4 years at that time and I became just as interested in what she was doing than in her! ☺
I realized that reaching people with the gospel was what I really wanted to do, so I applied for staff.
It’s amazing how open students are to talk about spiritual things and  I’ve been enjoying a lot to meet with them daily and have these deep conversations.
Mara: I grew up during the communist system of government.
I have no religious background; nobody in my family was a believer, so we never talked about God at home and never went to church.
However, I was always interested in whether there was “somebody“ above us, a “God”, so I started to search for this God.
When I was a third year college student, I met two girls with Campus Crusade for Christ.
They told me about Jesus Christ and why I need Him. That night I realized that I was a sinner and Jesus died for me, so I asked Him to come into my life. Just a few months after I accepted Christ I went to an evangelistic summer camp.
There we went out to villages and talked about God with students, and that was the first time that I led somebody to Christ.
That was when I decided that this is what I want to do in my life: to talk to people, tell them about God and to make them think deeper about their life. So I joined Cru, and have been on staff since then.
My vision is to find girls like I was, waiting for somebody to tell them about Christ, to help them grow in their relationship with God and to help the reach out to their fellow students.
1Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.
Mt. 28:19-2O Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
Our goal is that every student in Hungary would have an opportunity to hear the gospel and many of them would become spiritual leaders. We reach students and tell them that there is a God, and this God knows them and loves them. 
Our daily ministry is to reach out to college and high school students and talk to them about God, usually in a one-on-one environment. Those  students who accept Christ as their Lord and savior we disciple them: we teach and challenge them to study the Bible, to pray,  to live a holy life and to share the Gospel to reach and teach others to do the same thing throughout Hungary and even beyond. 
We praise God that He is at work in our country and by His grace we can see students come to Christ and become multiplying lifetime laborers.

Our Financial needs
We live on support and are responsible to raise all of our donations. 
Our annual budget is 48000$ for our family. 
The backbone of our ministry is ongoing monthly support but we appreciate one time gifts as well. 
We are looking for people who would commit themselves to give monthly 5O$/1OO$/15O$ or however God leads you. 
We also need an extra 2500$ one-time gift to cover the needs of our Speak Out evangelistic summer camp.

Thank you for helping to spread the Gospel among Hungarian people!
You are making a difference in our country!

PS: if you are not on our mailing list yet, please contact us via email! 

Our contact informations:

Facebook: Mara Madarasz 
                         Gabi Madarasz

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