Gentian and Erjona Tupa


“You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name” (John 15:16 NLT)

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus! 

We are Genti and Erjona Tupa, serving Christ with Cru in Albania. 

Both of us were raised in nominal Orthodox families during the time when Albania was still under the harsh regime of Communism. 

We first heard the Gospel clearly through the local church, when Genti was a students and Erjona a teenager in her home town. We got involved with the CRU Student Ministry as students and there we met each-other. 

After university we both joined staff, got married and now we have 3 children. During these years with Cru we have served in different teams: When describing the ministries of CRU, it is said that we have one purpose, one process, and different strategies.

Mission in building spiritual movements everywhere toward the fulfilment of the Great Commission.


Movements everywhere so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus.


Win, build and send Christ-Centred multiplying disciples who will launch spiritual movements. 

From September 2014 we have been serving with Young Professionals and leaders, a movement of multiplying disciples and disciple-makers who are committed to seeing Christ transform Albania and beyond through the current generation of leaders. Just as Cru Student Ministry has been very successful in reaching future leaders for Christ, we want to reach today’s leaders for Christ through Young Professionals and leaders. Over these past years we have seen God working. Most of Albanian leaders come from a M_sl_m background and they are open to the Gospel. Many have come to the Lord, being discipled, member of a local church and sent as multiplying disciples to their workplace, Albania or other countries.

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