Sergey & Galya Pevnev


Greetings from Ukraine!

My name is Serhii, the name of my beloved wife is Halyna and our children Annie, Luke and Vasylisa. We are staff members of Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC) in Ukraine since 2007.

In 2014 a war broke out in Eastern Ukraine and our local campus team in Donetsk was evacuated urgently. After that there were no permanent staff teams in Eastern Ukraine for 2 years. There were many prayers to God for launching a new student ministry in the east of our country and in 2016 our leadership decided to send a team of 5 staff members to Kharkiv. I became the leader of this new campus team.

Video about our first 5 years of ministry in Kharkiv (before the start of a full-scale war with Russia in 2022)

We praise God that until the very last day before the start of a full-scale war we had the opportunity and enough strength to hold meetings for evangelism and discipleship. This is a special photo on the eve of the war. This is the last family photo in our home. My wife has baked an unleavened bread, and we had joked that the Lord probably wants to bring us out quickly, like the people of Israel out of Egypt. The only thing that kept us from leaving the ministry in Kharkiv, being some 30 km from the border with Russia, was the confidence that God, as a caring Father, would let us know when the time came to leave. And so it happened.

On February 24, 2022 God had woken us up at 2 am, and we had realized that we were to leave Kharkiv. We made several calls in an attempt to persuade someone else to leave the city, raised sleeping children and rushed every second praying that God would not allow this madness... When we had already left the Kharkiv region, friends and relatives began to call us one after another and say that they heard explosions... It's terrible to remember that night. The other day we talked with a family from Bucha, who told how they were living the city along the road with corpses and shooted cars along the sides... We thank God that our children did not see this! God parted the waters of the sea. After four days on our way, we crossed the border into Hungary. The head of our ministry sees the value in the fact that the staff, who were able to travel abroad, remained in Poland or Hungary, where there are the biggest amount of refugees from Ukraine, so that we serve them.

Video about our ministry to Ukrainian refugees in Hungary (during a full-scale war with Russia in 2022-2024)

We dream to return to Ukraine and continue to launch a movements of prayer, evangelism and discipleship!
May the Lord bless you!

Love in Christ, Serhii, Halyna, Annie, Luke and Vasylisa

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