Inner City - Holiday Care Boxes


It happens every year.

Across the country hundreds of college students from Cru take boxes of food to hungry people in the inner city...

... people who are hungry physically and hungry spiritually.

These students, part of winter conferences, won't just drop off the food. Their hearts' desires are also to share their faith in Christ.

These food boxes — we call them Holiday Care Boxes — are wonderful door openers. As the compassionate urban outreach of Cru, we've mounted this kind of effort in years past ... in the dead of winter ... when being poor and hungry is especially horrible.

And every year, we've seen people accept Jesus Christ as their Savior!

If you could follow the college students who go into the urban neighborhoods, knock on doors, surprise families in need with boxes full of food, talk with them and listen to them and pray with them ... your heart would soar.

  • One group came to their very first house; children let them in. They gave the food to the family, shared the Gospel — and both children accepted Christ.
  • Two students had just one Holiday Care Box left; they stopped at one more house — a mother and three children were overjoyed by the food ... they listened as the students shared the Gospel ... and they accepted Christ.

And along the way, the college students come to understand the urban poor more intimately, and love them more and more as Christ does.

Please help it all happen again, by giving generously today. Each box is packed with:

  • Dry beans, rice, pasta
  • Tomato sauce or paste
  • Canned vegetables, fruit, crackers or nuts
  • Nutrition bars, cooking oil
  • And the Four Spiritual Laws booklet

Each box of food costs just $30.50. As you give $61.00, we can provide food to TWO inner-city families and continue all of our ministries throughout this campaign. Perhaps God will lead you to give $91.50 for three ... or even more.

Thanks so much ... and thank God for what He will do through your compassion and generosity.

In Him,

Milton Massie
Executive Director

P.S. Our inner-city newsletter, called Creating Options Together®, will remind you that our God is a God of redemption, renewal, and hope. To sign up for our bi-monthly e-newsletter, please click here.


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