Zoran and Borislavka Radojevic


Zoran and Borislavka (Dada) Radojević serve with Agape Serbia (Campus Crusdae for Christ / Cru).  They have been on staff since 2010 and Zoran has worked with Cru since 2003. Zoran recently took on the role as the new National Team Leader for Serbia.

Zoran became a Chrsitan in 1999 after he read Jesus Our Destiny while working delivering  and installing furniture. Dada also came to Christ in 1999 after reading the BIble as a Bosnian refugee in Serbia. They met through a national youth fellowship, got married in 2000 and attended Bible school for a year from 2002-2003. Dada and Zoran have three children: Marko (born in 2001), Lidija (born in 2005) and Milan (born in 2007).

Zoran first served with the JESUS Film Project, showing the movie based on the Gospel of Luke in cities, towns and villages throughout the country. They have worked with Global Church Movements (GCM) since they came on staff, suprvising Cru's ministry of planting churches in Eastern and Southern Serbia. GCM's goal is to see God grow a vital biblical fellowship in every rural village, suburban neighborhood and urban high rise--one fellowship for every thousand people.

Please join us in helping fuflfill the Great Commision through church planing in Serbia and worldwide.

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