Quentin & Emilia Bechem Ngamo


Welcome to our web page with Cru International,

Quentin is married to Emilia for 15 years and they have 5 children (2 boys and 3 girls): Merveille-24 our adopted son; Deborah-11; Daniella-10; Marie Paula-9 and Quentin Junior-7. Emilia & Quentin are missionaries with Cru in Cameroon for 20 years.

Quentin came to know about Campus Crusade for Christ during an evangelism training course. He was so captivated by the material and the ease with which he began to bring people to Christ that a few months later, he decided to stop his studies for a Master's degree in Geology and his teaching job in order to be totally focused on soul-winning.

 God has been using Emilia & Quentin to lead at different levels such as: 

  • Team leader with the Jesus Film for 4 years,
  • Director of the student movement at the biggest university campus in Cameroon for 4 years,
  • Director of Human Resources and Leadership Development (LDHR) cumulatively with the responsibility of regional coordinator for two major cities for 7 years​
  • Quentin is presently the national coordinator for Global Church Movement (a movement working with pastors & church leaders, with the goal of planting 1 church for every 1.000 inhabitants ​

At the moment, my team & I are working to plant 50 churches before 31 May 2023. Please pray with us and go with us !

One of the major difficulties is that of having enough finances for our work and often we will need to abandon the work to go out looking for support. We are trusting the Lord that soon we will have our complete support for the work which is about $1,400 per month. We will be very glad if you can kindly consider supporting us monthly. 70% of the money we raise goes straight for evangelistic/disciple materials, Outreach programs in villages, supervision, mission trips, and transportation and only 30% goes for rent, feeding, and basic home needs.

Pray for us and thank you for considering to partner with us.  Blessings !!!
Quentin, Emilia & the kids.
GCM / Campus Crusade for Christ Cameroon
Address: P O Box 13426, Yaounde Cameroon
Email: quentin.ngamo@zafcpc.org / ngamofamily@gmail.com  
TeL:+237.699.85.28.00 / +237.675.22.17.87

Donations: www.give.cru.org/2861353 

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